Monday, February 28, 2011

PSA Script.

Hi my name is Sana Ali, Welcome to my Senior Capstone Project.
Today, even though many prescription drugs save lives, many of them cause unwanted side effects such as illness, toxicity, and death.
Alternative medicine uses all natural and herbal products for safe and reliable healing. It has been observed that antibiotics have repeatedly failed to solve the reappearance of some germs, rendering them conventional healing methods useless. Alternative medicine has earned a reputation all over the world for healing chronic ailments like arthritis and back pain. These natural therapies that form the basis of alternative medicines are also considered to be safe seeing as they have negligible side effects. Alternative medicine also provides the patients with relief from the common side effects that western medicine often induces. It relaxes the mind and body allowing for the formation of healthy muscles and strong bones. This is why I wish to create an alternative medicine pharmacy to help provide medical help the healthy and safe way. Thank you.

Monday, February 21, 2011

PSA Pictures

To heal and overcome sickness, herbs and other natural remedies have been used.

Lab tests and scientists have proven that alternative medicine is much safer than presscription drugs.

Pharmacutical drugs and over the counter medicine are medically proven dangerous and a hazardous to everyone's life.

From using alternative medicine to replace prescription drugs, will result in living a longer and healthier life.

Prescription drugs can be poisoness and hurtful to different parts of the body

Alternative medicine have been proven to not cause side effects, such as all prescription drugs do.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Capstone Project

-Reklame Script

Capstone Project

-Safe Haven Pharmacy
-Be Healthy, Live Longer
-No More Toxins for Healing

Capstone Project

My senior capstone project is a low cost alternative medicine pharmacy for abused women. Alternative medicine has been proven to be safer and more reliable for cure, but is not available to everyone. Health care does not provide for abused women and broken families. Therefore, this pharmacy is being created to aid everyone but especially women and children who suffer from domestic violence.